Meet Hunter.

Hunter was raised closely with 2 of his litter mates (ask me more about Litter Mate Syndrome!) and dealt with major separation anxiety and overall pushiness in the home.

Hunter’s parents didn’t have the schedule flexibility to work through his extreme separation anxiety, so we decided together that he would benefit from a Board and Train. This ended up being a huge success!

When we started Hunter’s owners were unable to leave him alone for any length of time without him doing damage to their home, barking constantly, and physically breaking out of his wire crate (and injuring himself in the process). By following a consistent training program in addition to the Board and Train, they’re now able to leave him home alone knowing he’s calm, quiet, and safe in his crate.

The Old Hunter…

Could not be left unattended in his crate safely because he would bend the wire and literally claw his way out — at this point his crate has had to be zip tied to keep it together (see the video)! He also could not be left unattended in the home free roaming because he would scratch up the door, rip up the blinds, and anything else he thought would get his mom and dad home faster!

The New Hunter…

Calm, confident, and able to self-regulate! He can be left alone safely, doesn’t get his parents in trouble with the neighbors, and isn’t glued to their side when they’re home.

(Look closely — this is actually a video!
You can see him blink!)